Recent Projects

Washington, D.C. Ward Boundaries Over Time

24 Sep 2022

This map shows how Washington, D.C.’s ward boundaries have changed over time. Ward data retrieved from Open Data DC catalog.
Live version located at: DC Wards.

Segregation and the Spatial Distribution of Violence in the Northern Ireland Conflict

10 Aug 2018

My Master’s thesis explores the relationship between changing social demographics, ethno-religious segregation, and interpersonal violence during The Troubles conflict (1960-1998). This project was awarded the Morton A. Kaplan Prize for best Honors thesis.

Canadian Immigration

11 May 2018

This project visualizes immigration to Canada over the past 75 years by nation of origin.

Live version located at: Canadian Immigration

Philly Crime

11 Jan 2017

This visualization explores crime in Philadelphia over the past 30 days. This is a work in progress.

Map the MBTA

15 May 2013

A real-time model of the MBTA’s Red, Orange, and Blue Lines.

2011 Scottish Holyrood Election

20 Dec 2012

An analysis of the 2011 election for the devolved Scottish parliament. The project explores the impact of geographic distance from natural resource deposits on voting patterns.

Massachusetts Contamination Concentration, 2010

20 Dec 2012

A spatial analysis of chemical releases across Massachusetts in 2010. The map shows both total releases into the environment and inverse distances from these releases.